April 16, 2021
Expert Opinion Article by Dan Etheredge, General Manager, Klohn Crippen Berger S.A.
March 21, 2021
Surging copper brings renewed optimism to Peru, but a pivotal election looms.
February 05, 2021
Rising metals prices and industry resilience have helped miners weather the storm.
February 05, 2021
West Africa mining proves resilient to the pandemic and thrives off the gold revival.
October 02, 2020
Peru’s mines are making up for the time lost during lockdown.
October 02, 2020
The under-explored gold-bearing grounds of West Africa are the “last frontier” in the gold space.
September 09, 2020
Gabon’s maturing fields and decreasing production levels, together with the low price regime over the past five years, have brought the country’s oil industry to a turning point.
August 11, 2020
Nigeria has enormous potential to diversify the economy away from crude oil, which has overshadowed the gas in Nigeria’s oil and gas industry. The country is struggling to exploit its natural gas resources which rank among the 10 largest worldwide.”
July 28, 2020
Coronavirus has accelerated an already bullish outlook.