Global Business Reports


Alice Pascoletti, Alfonso Tejerina, Lina Jafari, Ben Cherrington, Lucrezia Falcidia, Mariolga Guyon

Latin America Petrochemicals and Chemicals 2020

November 09, 2020

The need for efficiency and competitiveness has done nothing but accelerate with the Covid-19 pandemic, a crisis that has plunged the global economy into recession and has created some asymmetrical developments for the chemicals industry. While demand for cleaning, health, food safety and agriculture-related chemicals has remained strong and even grown significantly in some cases, some other industries, like aviation, automotive and construction, have been deeply hit by the crisis, especially during the second quarter of 2020. 

The coronavirus crisis has highlighted the importance of the chemicals industry on several fronts: first, governments have realized it is an essential activity that feeds other industries, maintaining the minimum operational levels a country may need, even during strict lockdowns. Secondly, it has become apparent that the chemicals sector is key to tackle the virus and assure people’s safety, improving public perception of the industry. 


Haldor Topsoe discusses the potential for energy transition in Latin America.
The Mexican Union of Agrochemicals Manufacturers and Formulators (UMFFAAC) describes the main themes impacting its members.
Cristian García of PROCCYT explains the dynamics influencing Mexico’s crop protecting sector.
FMC discusses the rise of sustainable products which have minimal residues on crops.


Peru Mining 2024

After five months in Lima and more than 130 interviews, the conversations with C-executives along the Peruvian mining value chain touched on various topics. These included production targets, drilling results, the benefits of new technologies like the so-called “digital twins” to replicate reality in a virtual environment, and even the use of cartridge valves. However, a recurring theme in almost every interview, and perhaps the most significant one in relevance, is Peru's loss of its position as the second-largest copper producer to the Democratic Republic of Congo.



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