Global Business Reports


Alice Pascoletti, James Hogan

Brazil Mining 2016 Pre-Release

April 19, 2016

Political turbulence, weak commodities and a decrease in the value of the local currency meant that Brazil’s economy from 2011-14 had an average annual growth of only 2.2%, slower than many of the country’s neighbors.

 2015 saw iron prices drop to a five year low of $75 per ton, a considerable hit to Brazil’s mining industry for which iron is the industry’s most important export. The Benito Rodriguez dam disaster of November brought global scrutiny to the country’s mining sector.

However, investors cannot afford to take Brazil out of their priority list of mining destinations and will be looking for opportunities that the current set of challenges present. The fallout of the dam disaster will instil a renewed vigor in the sector as companies push to demonstrate commitment to corporate social responsibility. A wealth of new projects and explorations show that Brazil is still a sound destination for long-term rather than short-term investment.


Tembo Power is developing hydropower projects across Africa with a focus on DRC.
Chesser Resources is upbeat about its Diamba Sud gold resource in Eastern Senegal.
Robocon speaks with GBR about the outlook for its services in Peru.
"Our product innovation process involves gathering client feedback and submitting it to the factory, which determines which ideas to pursue based on economic considerations."


Peru Mining 2024

After five months in Lima and more than 130 interviews, the conversations with C-executives along the Peruvian mining value chain touched on various topics. These included production targets, drilling results, the benefits of new technologies like the so-called “digital twins” to replicate reality in a virtual environment, and even the use of cartridge valves. However, a recurring theme in almost every interview, and perhaps the most significant one in relevance, is Peru's loss of its position as the second-largest copper producer to the Democratic Republic of Congo.



"Our West African mines deliver the highest margins, with Séguéla being our lowest-cost operation."