Engineering & Mining Journal


Katya Koryakovtseva, Oliver Cushing, Patricia Matey Garcia, Madeleine Furuvald

Russia Mining 2012 E&MJ Release

February 13, 2012

Russia, the world’s largest country, is also one of the richest mining jurisdictions on earth. From bauxite to iron ore, gold to platinum and a lot of mineral types in between, Russia ranks amongst the world’s top 10 in terms of both production and reserves. Furthermore, the country is unusual in being one of the few emerging markets with a well developed domestic service and equipment industry. Russia is nearly twice the size of Canada, the world’s second largest country, and borders both China and the EU. Russian Railways is the world’s second longest rail network and the country enjoys port access to the Arctic, Baltic, Black Sea and the Pacific. Access to markets is good and the country is well positioned to benefit from growing demand in Asia, though internal infrastructure is in need of substantial investment. Today, companies are exploring once again, but the volume of capital being expended in the country remains low and the number of juniors active is derisory relative to the sub-surface potential.


Tembo Power is developing hydropower projects across Africa with a focus on DRC.
Chesser Resources is upbeat about its Diamba Sud gold resource in Eastern Senegal.
Robocon speaks with GBR about the outlook for its services in Peru.
"Our product innovation process involves gathering client feedback and submitting it to the factory, which determines which ideas to pursue based on economic considerations."


Peru Mining 2024 Pre-Release II

As the second half of 2024 approaches, Peru stands at a crossroads. According to the latest figures, the Democratic Republic of Congo has surpassed Peru as the second-largest copper producer. Cabinet changes under Boluarte's administration and ongoing corruption cases have taken a toll on investor confidence, and illegal mining remains a pressing issue. However, not everything is lost for the Andean country, and the mining sector presents growth opportunities.



"We plan to double our copper production by the end of the decade. There remains significant upside potential in the gold industry, and the copper operations are strategic and additive to that."