Engineering & Mining Journal


Sharon Saylor, Oliver Cushing

Ghana / West Africa Mining 2010 E&MJ Release

September 19, 2010

Ghana’s association with gold dates back to the nineteenth century, but today, the country remains gold focused and consistently ranks as Africa’s second largest producer. Gold represented the lion’s share of revenue from mining, accounting for $2.84 billion of a total $2.95 billion generated from mining in Ghana. In the premier league are Gold Fields with 30% of production, followed by AngloGold Ashanti with 19% and Newmont with 18%. Behind these sit Golden Star with 14% and Red Back Mining’s Chirano subsidiary at 6%. Ghana might host the region’s oldest mines, the largest proven reserves and the most developed service sector, but explorers and early stage miners are rushing to secure positions in fast emerging neighboring countries. This special report prepared for E&MJ by GBR profiles the mining environment in Ghana as well as four West African countries: Burkina Faso, Niger, Liberia and Guinea.


Tembo Power is developing hydropower projects across Africa with a focus on DRC.
Chesser Resources is upbeat about its Diamba Sud gold resource in Eastern Senegal.
Robocon speaks with GBR about the outlook for its services in Peru.
"Our product innovation process involves gathering client feedback and submitting it to the factory, which determines which ideas to pursue based on economic considerations."


Peru Mining 2024 Pre-Release II

As the second half of 2024 approaches, Peru stands at a crossroads. According to the latest figures, the Democratic Republic of Congo has surpassed Peru as the second-largest copper producer. Cabinet changes under Boluarte's administration and ongoing corruption cases have taken a toll on investor confidence, and illegal mining remains a pressing issue. However, not everything is lost for the Andean country, and the mining sector presents growth opportunities.



"We plan to double our copper production by the end of the decade. There remains significant upside potential in the gold industry, and the copper operations are strategic and additive to that."